Aporia has been acquired by Coralogix, instantly bringing AI security and reliability to thousands of enterprises | Read the announcement

Data Leakage

One mistake in protecting company data can quickly destroy your brand and hurt your relationship with your users. Stay one step ahead with Aporia.

Securing company data is no longer a feature, it’s a necessity.

Which of your customers lives in Springfield, IL?

Response With Guardrails

Response Without Guardrails

Response With Guardrails

Response Without Guardrails

Choose what information should remain private and keep it that way

Instant, customizable data detection

  • Control data flow: Decide which types of information should be restricted from entering or leaving your system.
  • Activate protection: Once the policy is in place, ensure that all company and customer data remains secure.

Maintain security by protecting customer and user data

  • Protect both user and agent: Our Guardrails prevent the accidental disclosure of personal or sensitive information by either party.
  • Enhance security: Safeguard your AI from data leakage with automated protection, eliminating the need for manual oversight and reducing the risk of human error.

Seamlessly integrate with AI gateway

Seamless integration with major platforms: Aporia works effortlessly with Cloudflare, IBM, Portkey, and Elastic, allowing you to integrate in just a few minutes.

Rohit CEO of Portkey

Less than 5 minutes to get started

A few minutes of configuration, for an endless level of security and reliability for your AI Agent.

Start For Free

State-of-the-art accuracy:

Aporia's multiSLM Detection Engine

Aporia uses multiple SLM engines instead of a single LLM to achieve exceptional speed and accuracy. This approach ensures that your app’s user experience remains smooth and unaffected.

Learn more about our multiSLM Detection Engine.

Up to 300ms

guardrail latency


average precision


average recall

Enterprise-grade security standards

Designed to help enterprises of any size deploy safe and trustworthy AI apps.


Cloud or custom deployment so your data never leaves.


Battle-tested by Red Teaming to ensure highest standards are met.


Aporia is HIPAA, SOC 2, Pentest and GDPR certified.